Area of persons deprived of liberty


Intervention programme for perpetrators of gender violence in alternative measures

The Intervention Programme for Gender Violence Offenders in Alternative Measures (PRIA-MA) intervenes with men convicted of gender violence who do not go to prison on the condition that they attend the intervention programme. The programme aims to extinguish any type of violent behaviour directed towards women, as well as the modification of all types of sexist attitudes and
beliefs in those persons subject to alternative sentences for committing crimes of gender violence.
This is a programme developed by the General Secretariat of Penitentiary Institutions, which consists of 10 therapeutic modules in which the criminogenic needs of the participants are addressed in groups in a total of 32 sessions.

Road safety education programme in Spanish prisons

The programme allows prisoners to internalise civic values in the use of public roads.
  • Prevention of drug addiction in women deprived of liberty. Its general objective is: To develop skills and personal abilities that reduce vulnerability to drug use and other behaviours that can lead to addiction in women deprived of liberty (Andalusia and Extremadura).

Prevention and reduction of the risk of drug use in women deprived of liberty

In women deprived of liberty, drug dependence is also related to a high level of depressive symptoms, with a high risk of self-harm, physical and psychiatric ailments, and irritability, symptoms that are often correlated with their past history of family violence and sexual abuse (post-traumatic stress). They are vulnerable women in great need of treatment. These are conditioning factors that predate their entry into prison, and which are aggravated in prison.
For all of the above reasons, we propose a preventive programme aimed at a minority group in prison (7.4% of the total) but which has its own characteristics and needs that must be addressed. People deprived of liberty are a group considered to be at risk with regard to drug use; deprivation of liberty and certain biopsychosocial characteristics make them especiallyvulnerable.
Preventive interventions aim to reduce risk factors and increase protective factors against drug use and other addictive behaviours. This objective is achieved through the application of different strategies, implemented in different settings. It is for this reason that we propose a preventive
Target group: Women deprived of liberty, serving second or third degree of penitentiary treatment in a prison or CIS in Andalusia or Extremadura.


Sheila Lamarca. Psychologist